The One and Only Ivan Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Line)

Quote #10

"Your gorilla hearts are made of ice. Ours are made of fire." (knowing.584)

Okay, Stella, you obviously just returned from the Elephant Pride Parade. But Ivan doesn't need more things to feel badly about right now.

Quote #11

He was everything a silverback was meant to be: a guide, a teacher, a protector. (protector.638)

No one is perfect, but Ivan lets his view of his father as the quintessential silverback gorilla overshadow his own idea of who he is. In Ivan's defense, though, he hasn't met a whole lot of other gorillas, so he doesn't have much else to work with when it comes to understanding what defines a silverback.

Quote #12

I imagine a different Ivan, my father's son. (pretending.1435)

What would the raised in the wild, spitting image of Ivan's father even look like? Can Ivan be that guy if he really puts his mind to it?