Pan's Labyrinth Resources

Del Toro began his creation of Pan's Labyrinth in a jumble of notes and pictures of creatures and sets. We recommend focusing on the sketches…unless you're proficient in cursive Spanish.

Everything (okay, a few randomly selected things) you wanted to know about del Toro, including his top five favorite scary movies.

Here's a look at the first concept design for the Faun where you can see the beginnings of his mixture of his body with the earth. Click on the pics to enlarge and use the link at the bottom of the page to check out cool behind the scenes photos.

This article is all about how Pan's Labyrinth represents the journey of a young, innocent girl into the cruel world of adulthood. Spoiler alter, there's a lot of blood.

Check out this article to experience all the magic of the symbolism and allusion you might have missed while watching it. Don't worry: there are plenty of mandragora to go around.

How could we not include the most iconic scene from the movie? The visuals are simply stunning (and pretty frightening. Don't watch this alone in a dark room).

Check out this interview with Doug Jones, the actor who played both the Faun and the Pale Man. He talks about getting into character and being, literally, in character.

Ivana Baquero talks about the experience working with costumed actors and invisible fairies as well as her own opinion on fairy tales and her understanding of the Spanish Civil War. It's pretty adorable.

While Guillermo prefers costume design, sometimes you can't find anyone small enough to play a fairy. Luckily, there's this thing called computer animation…which you can see bits and pieces of in this montage.

Take a looksee at the genesis of everything from the Faun to the pale man, the toad, the mandrake. And don't forget the scariest of them all: Vidal's face.

This was an original concept for the cover art and was used for the soundtrack cover. It would definitely make you think of the Faun differently going into the movie.

A cool take on what the Faun might have looked like before he was all cooped up waiting for some dead princess.

See, he's really just a nice faun, lookin' out for Ofelia. And did you notice the trick with the legs? Probably less CG that you imagined.