Pan's Labyrinth Rules and Order Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Pan's Labyrinth.

Quote #7

FAUN: Quickly, Your Majesty, give him to me…

OFELIA: What's in your hand?

FAUN: The portal will only open if we shed the blood of an innocent. A pinprick, that's all; just a drop of blood. It's the last task! Hurry! [Ofelia hesitates.] You promised to do it so give me the boy. I want to leave this place, I can't wait any longer!

OFELIA: No. My brother stays with me.

FAUN: You would give up your sacred rights for this brat?

OFELIA: Yes, I would.

FAUN: You will give up your throne for him? He who has caused you such misery, such humiliation?

OFELIA: I will.

This is Ofelia's ultimate decision in more than one way. Her final act is an act of disobedience. In her room she agreed to do whatever the Faun asked of her, no questions. But she just can't give over her baby brother to an angry Faun with a blade. Thankfully in her disobedience she passes the test, submitting herself to her own moral code instead of an outside authority.