The Poisonwood Bible Book 1, Prologue Quotes
The Poisonwood Bible Book 1, Prologue Quotes
How we cite the quotes:
Quote 1
We aimed for no more than to have dominion over every creature that moved upon the earth. (1.Prologue.16)
Dominion isn't just an addictive card game. In Genesis, it seems to mean something like "ruling" but also "being responsible for taking care of." (That's a nod to all of you lovely Tree Huggers out there.) Of course, Nathan Price seems to ignore the "taking care of" part and focuses on the ruling instead.
Quote 2
What is the conqueror's wife, if not a conquest herself? (1.Prologue.13)
The themes of marriage and conquest, particularly conquest of the Congo, are intertwined throughout The Poisonwood Bible. Pro tip, ladies: don't ever marry (or even date, honestly) someone who sees you as a conquest.
Quote 3
This forest eats itself and lives forever. (1.Prologue.2)
The forest is like a real life Ouroboros. Infinity is possible, but not without death and rebirth.