The Poisonwood Bible Book 5, Chapter 6 Quotes

The Poisonwood Bible Book 5, Chapter 6 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 1

I live among men and women who've simply always understood their whole existence is worth less than a banana to white people. I see it in their eyes when they glance up at me. (5.6.34)

Okay, seriously. This is too sad for words. These people believe their lives are worthless because they've been treated that way by the whites that run the mines. (Plus, they probably don't even get paid enough to afford a banana.)

Leah Price

Quote 2

What if I marked [Pascal] with some English word I taught him, as stupidly as we doomed our parrot? (5.6.26)

Even though Leah's practically in another country when Pascal is murdered by rival soldiers, she finds a way to take responsibility for his death. Now that's an overdeveloped sense of guilt.

Leah Price

Quote 3

We were married [...] in a ceremony that was neither quite Christian nor Bantu. (5.6.19)

Leah decides to get married for love. Not because her faith tells her to, but because her heart tells her to. How novel!