The Rules of Survival Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

And I watched Aunt Bobbie smooth your hair from time to time.

All at once there were possibilities in our little world, and they were near enough to smell and touch. (35.22-23)

Emmy's never grown up with a healthy attachment to her mother, Nikki, but now it looks like she'll have a chance to bond with a real maternal figure. Aunt Bobbie seems suddenly willing to step into that role and to protect the kids like a strong mama bear.

Quote #8

I had not known Ben could sing, but he had a nice voice. Aunt Bobbie croaked like a frog. We all laughed at her, and she said, "I can't help it!" and sang even louder, to punish us.

This was our real family, at Christmastime. (25.25-26)

When Matthew thinks back on charming family memories, he doesn't allow Nikki to be a part of it. She may be his biological mother, but she isn't a part of his "real" family—that family is made up of the people who actually care about his best interests.

Quote #9

While Nikki served her time, Aunt Bobbie and Ben were busy making plans for us, figuring things out for the future. It felt odd to have these two adults taking charge, when always before I had been so alone. (40.1)

All this time, Matthew has had to take on the role of the adult protector for his younger siblings, even though he's still a kid. It's weird to suddenly relinquish his parental role to adults who are more suited to taking care of a bunch of kids.