The Rules of Survival Justice and Judgment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

At one point, after Nikki had strayed twice—and provably—inside the hundred yards' distance that she was supposed to keep way from Murdoch, Officer Brooks and Coughlin picked her up and she ended up spending two nights in jail. (35.2)

Oh goodie, Nikki gets put in jail just in time for the holidays, thereby giving the kids a chance to have a real Christmas instead of one where they're constantly terrified and on edge. They really need the break.

Quote #8

I filled my arms with Ben's presents and thought, Right now, at this very second, our mother is in jail. And meanwhile, her kids are running around her house, happy, while her ex-husband and her sister plan a family part.

I thought: I hope she senses it, somehow. (35.18-19)

Nikki being in jail while her whole family is having a grand old time feels like sweet justice to Matthew. She should be missing out because her kids have missed out on so much of their childhoods while living with her.

Quote #9

But she testified against Nikki, who went to jail again. It was only a short stay because, incredibly, Nikki had committed only a minor crime called "reckless endangerment." But that didn't matter. Ben and Aunt Bobbie moved into action. They sued for joint custody of the three of us […]. (38.17)

Although she doesn't get the full punishment that she deserves for paralyzing Julie, Nikki's kids get the justice that they've wanted. They no longer have to live with her, which is a huge win.