How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"Even from Death, he has overseen the dissolution of the Kingdom—a kingdom without a royal family, with one of the Great Charters crippled, corrupting and weakening all the others. He wasn't really beaten that night, in the reservoir. Just delayed, and for two hundred years he's been trying to come back, trying to re-enter Life—" (18.68)
At long last, Sabriel gets an explanation from Mogget of Kerrigor's evil plan: he wants power, the power that comes from taking Life that doesn't belong to him. She's starting to understand the motivation behind Kerrigor's evil deeds. (Doesn't make him any less evil, though.)
Quote #8
"It is the Dead who are at the root of this evil, and Abhorsen's business is with the Dead!" (20.11)
As much as Sabriel would probably like a vacation, Mogget reminds her that she is uniquely qualified to deal with the problem plaguing the Old Kingdom.
Quote #9
Touchstone had transferred his hand to her shoulder, pouring power into her. Others of the circle had crept up and linked hands again—and suddenly Sabriel felt a stirring of relief. They were going to make it—Kerrigor's human body would be destroyed, and the greater part of his power with it […]. (27.44)
Like many classic fantasy stories, the power of good here is illustrated by people coming together in the spirit of love and bravery to fight a dark force. When the Charter Mage students link hands, and Touchstone physically touches Sabriel to boost her magic—well, it's the power of love.