Sideways Stories From Wayside School Chapter 8 Summary


  • Myron, who has big ears, is the class president. He thinks of himself as a good listener. Maybe the ears help? But despite his listening skills, he doesn't know what a class president is supposed to do.
  • Mrs. Jewls tells Myron that the class president is supposed to turn the classroom lights on and off every day. He tells her it doesn't sound like a very important job, but agrees to do it anyway.
  • On the way home, Myron finds Dana, whose dog, Pugsy, has been hit by a car. Myron picks up the injured dog and carries her two miles to the vet. He tells Dana not to worry.
  • Dana forgets to thank Myron, but he doesn't mind—"He thought that was what being class president was all about" (8.26).
  • The next morning Myron goes to Dana's house to check on Pugsy, who has made a complete recovery. Pugsy bites Myron's hand, and Dana explains that since Pugsy was unconscious, maybe she doesn't recognize him; Myron gets a bandage and goes to school.
  • Myron is late because of the dog bite, but no one else has turned on the lights. His classmates are sitting in the dark. He asks why someone else didn't turn them on, but Mrs. Jewls says, "Because you're class president" (8.36).
  • Mrs. Jewls makes Stephen the new class president because Myron failed to turn on the lights. Myron shows Stephen how to operate the light switch, but it takes Stephen a week to learn his new duties. (Maybe he's really cut out for a job in politics.)
  • Even though Myron was president for only a day, "he was the best president in the history of Wayside School," our narrator tells us. "It's just that nobody knew it" (8.40).
  • Tough crowd.