Sideways Stories From Wayside School Wisdom and Knowledge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

When Joe woke up the next day, he had learned how to count. He had fifty-five thousand and six hairs on his head. They were all curly. (2.62)

Just like Mrs. Jewls promises, one day Joe finds the knowledge he's looking for. Not only does he learn to count, he can count unbelievably well—imagine counting every hair on your head.

Quote #2

"No," said Mrs. Jewls. "That isn't how you measure art. It's not how many pictures you have, but how good the pictures are." (6.28)

We won't get into a debate about fine art with Mrs. Jewls, but she teaches an important lesson to Bebe. Art class isn't about how many cats you can draw—it's all about quality over quantity.

Quote #3

"Yes, I know," said Mrs. Jewls, "but the funniest jokes are the ones that remain untold." (13.30)

Right in the middle of Rondi's hilarious story, we get this amazing statement from Mrs. Jewls: sometimes things are funnier if you don't say them out loud. Whether Mrs. Jewls is right or not, this nugget of wisdom almost sounds like a fortune cookie.