Sideways Stories From Wayside School Versions of Reality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Oh, I've made a big mistake, Maurecia. Of course you can't taste anything. It's Maurecia-flavored ice cream. It's the same taste you always taste when you're not tasting anything at all." (9.21)

Who doesn't love an alternate reality where you can have ice cream flavored to taste like your friends? (And who hasn't wondered, after reading this, what their own ice cream might taste like?)

Quote #2

"We'll just have to turn your mosquito bites into numbers." (11.22)

You know you're in the Wayside universe when a teacher proposes this solution and it actually works. After Mrs. Jewls has Dana count her mosquito bites, her itching vanishes.

Quote #3

As soon as Mrs. Jewls stepped out the door, Rondi and Allison jumped up from their seats and started to tickle Jason. He laughed until his hair turned purple. (12.29)

Everything seems totally normal in this classroom until someone's hair turns purple, doesn't it?