The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

She could see it all over his face: We never should have hired the girl with the nose ring. (3.50)

Tibby is frustrated when others look at her differently. But we thought she wants to be different? It's confusing. The irony here is that she is annoyed when people judge her based on her looks, but she does the exact same thing.

Quote #5

Grandma cast a look at her outfit. "You are wearing that to our party?" (4.12)

Grandma isn't a fan of the Pants. She wants Lena to make a good first impression when she meets Kostos, and wearing old, worn out jeans won't cut it. For Grandma, looking presentable is important, especially since she has waited a long time to show off her granddaughter to her Caldera friends. When Lena refuses to change, we can actually see Grandma's eyes rolling. 

Quote #6

He'd been following her! (8.62)

Try again, Lena—Kostos wasn't following her; he was visiting his special spot, which just happens to be her special spot as well. Lena jumps to the wrong conclusion, failing to assess the situation accurately based on how it appears to her.