How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
He was a caricature of a caricature of a loser. (12.1)
That's harsh, but probably true, since Brian McBrian, the Dragon Master Guru, is a typical gaming geek who spends his life in the arcade. Well, that's Tibby's first impression of him anyway. She makes a quick judgment, but when she gets to know Brian, she realizes he's actually a pretty neat kid (just like Bailey says). And playing Dragon Master is pretty cool too.
Quote #8
All she'd ever noticed about Angela were her fingernails.
It's hard not to judge people based on appearances, and this is one of the many lessons Tibby learns from Bailey. Here Angela totally surprised Tibby with her empathy and kindness, making it abundantly clear that Tibby screwed up by reducing this woman to one unusual body part.
Quote #9
Lena was supposed to be the pretty one, but Effie was always the one with the boyfriend. (18.18)
Girls like Effie who are confident and fun-loving are a joy to be around, and people feel good in Lena's sister's presence. It's an attractive quality, so while Lena might technically be the prettier sister, Effie's the one everyone flocks to.