Solaris Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) Note that chapters aren't numbered, so need to be numbered manually, 1 to 14.

Quote #7

"Then who are you?"

There was a long silence. Then she bowed her head and murmured:

"Rheya… But I know that I am not the woman you once loved."

"Yes. But that was a long time ago. The past does not exist, but you do, here and now. Don't you see. " (9.145-148)

The real Rheya's gone, the fake memory Rheya is still around. So does that mean the memory of Rheya is the most important thing? It doesn't seem like it should. But Kelvin is under a lot of stress, admittedly.

Quote #8

"Now all I see is you." (9.186)

Again, you could see this as being kind of sweet (he loves this Rheya so much he's forgotten her prototype)… Or you could see it as kind of icky and sad—the memory of Rheya has completely erased the real Rheya, so now he's just in love with his own projection, not with the real woman.

Quote #9

"Who do you want to save? Yourself? Her? And which version of her? This one or that one? Haven't you got the guts to face them both?" (10.81)

Snow says "which version of her," in reference to the first and Rheyas who showed. But it could also mean the memory of Rheya or the real Rheya, or perhaps all the different memories of Rheya. Anyway, the answer to Snow's final question is clear enough: Kelvin does not have the guts to face them both. Guts are not his thing.