Solaris Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph) Note that chapters aren't numbered, so need to be numbered manually, 1 to 14.

Quote #10

[…] I was finally no longer able to tell which of them was looking at me, my father or Giese. They were dead, and neither of them buried, but then deaths without burial are not uncommon in our time. (11.25)

This is an odd passage, in which Kelvin's father (whom we know nothing about) and Giese (whom we don't know much about) blur into each other; a doubled, ill-defined ghost, to go along with all the other doubled ghosts Kelvin is keeping around himself. The line about the commonness of deaths without burial seems like it could refer to memory itself and the fact that, for Kelvin, people don't die and go away; they just stick around in his head.