Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home.

Quote #4

MCCOY: Come on Spock, it's me, McCoy. You really have gone where no man has gone before. Can't you tell me what it felt like?

McCoy is desperate to hear what it's like to pass through the pearly gates, but Spock has no interest in the discussion. In a way, it seems like Spock doesn't understand what he just went through. Does a kid remember what it was like to be in his mom's stomach? It might be the same kind of deal.

Quote #5

SPOCK: Admiral, may I ask you a question?

KIRK: Spock, don't call me "admiral." You used to call me Jim. Don't you remember? Jim.

A big part of Spock's recovery is reconnecting with his friends from Enterprise. Because he's been acting so darn Vulcan-y lately, though, he struggles with this more than he usually does.

Quote #6

SPOCK: I cannot tell a lie.

KIRK: I don't mean lie, but you could exaggerate.

SPOCK: Exaggerate.

KIRK: Exaggerate. You've done it before. Can't you remember?

It's like training a puppy. Once again, Spock struggles to balance his logical Vulcan side with his emotional human side. He's always had a hard time with this, of course, but now it feels like he's starting from square one.