Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home.

Quote #7

SPOCK: In that event, the probabilities are that our mission would fail.

KIRK: Our mission? Spock, you're talking about the end of every life on Earth. [...] Haven't you got any goddamned feelings about that?

This conversation embodies Spock's internal conflict between logic and emotions. Spock is half human, so he should have some sympathy for Earth's plight, but he still struggles to empathize with those in harm's way. In terms of emotional development, this lands him squarely in the "sociopathic teenager" stage. Oh, joy.

Quote #8

SPOCK: Acceleration is no longer a constant.

MCCOY: Well, then, you're going to have to take your best shot.

SPOCK: Best shot?

MCCOY: Guess, Spock. Your best guess.

SPOCK: Guessing is not in my nature, Doctor.

MCCOY: Well, nobody's perfect.

This is another big moment in Spock's development as a person. Because he's relying so hard on logic, he thinks that everything must be concrete and unambiguous. Yeah, that's not always possible, and learning how to deal with that is a big part of maturity, whether you're Vulcan or not.

Quote #9

SPOCK: It was most kind of you to make this effort.

SAREK: It was not an effort. You are my son. Besides, I am most impressed with your performance in this crisis.

Aw, shucks—there's nothing like a proud dad moment. We tear up every time. This must be especially meaningful to Spock since he and his father aren't exactly buddy-buddy. They talk about feelings as much as you'd expect from a pair of Vulcans, which is to say not very much.