Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Primitiveness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home.

Quote #4

KIRK: This is an extremely primitive and paranoid culture.

We wanted to argue against this at first, but then we looked at the news.

Quote #5

MCCOY: It's a miracle these people ever got out of the 20th century.

KIRK: They're still using money. We've got to find some.

In Star Trek's vision of the future, money doesn't exist. At all. As a result, Kirk and company are wholly unfamiliar with how to function in a society based on the exchange of money. More than that, however, they see it as some arcane system that provides little value to society. It's hard to disagree…

Quote #6

KIRK: You mean profanity. That's simply the way they talk here. Nobody pays any attention to you if you don't swear every other word.

Though the punk rocker scene is a tad preachy, it reveals why the crew of Enterprise sees our time period as primitive. Think about what aliens would think if they looked at Twitter. Would they think that we're a nice species? No way. In the same way that we look down on the barbaric customs of our past, people of the future will no doubt see us as rude, crude, and uncivilized.