Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Primitiveness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home.

Quote #7

MCCOY: You realize, of course, if we give him the formula, we're altering the future.

SCOTTY: Why? How do we know he didn't invent the thing?

The crew members of Enterprise are totally blasé about time-travel paradoxes. Maybe they think that these humans are so primitive that it won't matter either way? Well, that's just rude.

Quote #8

AGENT 1: What do you think?

AGENT 2: He's a Russki.

The FBI agents who interrogate Chekov allow paranoia to drive their analysis. Talk about being primitive…

Quote #9

MCCOY: What's the matter with you?

PATIENT: Kidney dialysis.

MCCOY: Dialysis? My god, what is this, the Dark Ages?

McCoy's reactions to modern medicine are everything. He reacts the same way we would if we saw a medieval barber slapping leeches on some poor soul—with utter shock and horror.