
Character Role Analysis

Deanna and Tommy

Deanna and Tommy are similar in that they're attracted to each other and share a humiliating past experience, but they're profoundly different in the way they deal with their similarities. Tommy deals with the embarrassment of being caught by Deanna's dad by bragging, swaggering, and projecting false bravado. Deanna, on the other hand, beats herself up and doesn't even bother trying to tell her side of the story. In short, he's the jerk and she's the one who's been wronged.

One thing they continue to have in common is that they both feel belittled in each other's presence, even three years later: Deanna feels like Tommy still sees her as immature and easy, while Tommy hates how bad he feels every time Deanna looks at him. They form an uneasy truce at the end of the book after Deanna finally blows up at him when he tries to take her parking again. He doesn't realize exactly what he did to her until she tells him, at which point he offers her a heartfelt apology and she realizes his power over her is gone.