Guide Mentor

Guide Mentor

Character Role Analysis

Darren Lambert

If it weren't for Darren, Deanna probably would have given up on life a long time ago and gotten a head start on becoming a burnout stoner on the beach. Darren beat up Tommy when Tommy took advantage of Deanna, and he's the one who reminds Deanna that she needs to get out of Pacifica and go to college. He refuses to take her money, even though he needs it, and instead he tells her to save it for her education. And he may want to move out with Stacy sans Deanna, but he makes it clear to her that she'll be invited to the house.

Darren not only offers Deanna emotional support, encouraging her to forgive herself and others so she doesn't end up like their dad, he also tells her she'll have physical shelter at his house if she needs it.