How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
I've always been afraid of Erik. Now I get to be afraid of Erik and Arthur. (1.7.13)
Arthur hasn't even done anything yet—is Paul going a bit overboard here? Or is this well-earned fear by association?
Quote #2
I remembered the face of The Boy Who Never Grew, the face of that eighty-nine-year-old little boy. I remembered the fear in his eyes. I know that fear. It's my fear. (1.15.61)
Is Paul the real "freak" in this story? He seems to be identifying himself with the circus performer, but we're thinking that Paul is actually the only one who comes across as relatively normal—besides the Cruzes, of course.
Quote #3
I'm still afraid of Erik. I'm afraid of Arthur now, too. But today I wasn't a coward, and that counts for something. (1.17.14)
Paul says this right after he helps save kids from the sinkhole, so, yeah, he's been pretty brave. But what exactly does bravery count for? Can you be brave and cowardly at the same time? And why is it so important for Paul to think of himself as brave?