How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"You're a gutless wonder, Fisher. You're scared of girls. You're afraid of your own brother. Now you're afraid of these lowlifes. They treat you like a dog, and you take it!" (2.12.39)
Here's the thing: Joey calls Paul a coward for not standing up to the kids at Tangerine. But maybe Paul is actually the brave one, because he's the one who's confident enough to make friends and accept people on their own terms. That sounds a lot braver than fleeing back to your old school just because people are different in the new one.
Quote #5
There is fear in their eyes when we come charging off our bus. […] They are beaten by their own fear before the game even begins. This is a feeling I've never known before. Anyway, I have never known it from this side of the fear. (2.15.7)
He may be able to win soccer games, but Paul is beaten by his own fear before each day begins. Should have had those Wheaties!
Quote #6
I started to feel sick. […] I could feel the blood draining out of my head. […] Theresa said […], "Are you OK?" I just stared back at her, paralyzed with fear. (2.1.7-9)
Paul is so scared that other people notice his physical reaction. Has his fear gotten worse and worse because he has never stood up for himself? Or because he's starting to understand what Erik is actually capable of doing?