How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
When I finally looked right into [Erik's] eyes, I was surprised by what I saw. It was not hatred, or even anger. It was more like sorrow. Or fear. (2.1.22)
This is one of the weirdest parts of the book. Does Erik have a soul after all? Is he afraid of his brother, or of what his brother knows? If so, this is the only glimpse we ever catch of it.
Quote #8
I understood that I was supposed to be terrified by this spectacle—these two demonic creatures on this dark, lonely road. But for once in my life, I wasn't. (3.9.57)
Here, Paul looks at Erik and Arthur approaching him with metal baseball bats. We're honestly not sure why he's not scared, because this seems like the perfect moment for a little healthy fear. But he's not—even though he knows that Arthur, at least, means business.
Quote #9
"I saw him do it. I saw Arthur Bauer sneak up on Luis Cruz, like a coward, and hit him on the side of the head" (3.12.51)
How the tables have turned. Now Paul realizes the truth: it's Erik and Arthur, and people like them, who are the cowards—not him. The brave are the ones who speak the truth, not the ones who hide from it.