How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
The Kleins were all gift-givers. (3.69)
What Augie describes here might be called a family culture—values and behaviors shared within a family. Does your family have its own special culture or traditions?
Quote #5
I couldn't any longer acknowledge Grandma as the head of the family, and it was to Simon that some of the old authority became attached. (4.35)
Grandma Lausch isn't really grandma to the March boys—not by blood, anyway. Nevertheless, she has been the chief authority figure in their family.
Quote #6
After that we had a diminished family life, as though it were care of Georgie that had been the mean basis of household union and now everything was disturbed. (4.51)
Would the March family life have diminished as much had one of the other brothers permanently moved out of town? If not, what made George's presence unique?