How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
I wasn't of the blood, and the old man had dynastic ideas too. (5.21)
Einhorn does a lot for Augie, but he'll never allow Augie to become a member of his family, even in a remotely. The fact that he feels the need to make this clear to Augie shows that Augie has something adoptable about him, like a stray kitten. So fluffy.
Quote #8
But she wanted to try being a mother. However, I was in a state of removal from all intentions for me. Why should I turn into one of these people who didn't know who they themselves were? (9.2)
Augie doesn't want to be someone who doesn't know who he is, and he believes joining a new family will make him into such a person. However, he says elsewhere that he doesn't know where he belongs. Can he know who he is without knowing where he belongs?