The Assistant Disappointment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: The book doesn't have numbered or titled chapters, but it is broken up into sections with sub-sections under these. We'll call this Chapter:Section:Paragraph.

Quote #4

Thinking of his life always left her with the sense of the waste of her own. (1.4.38)

Though still young, Helen shares the monotonous life of her parents. She has prospects—college or perhaps a college-educated husband—but these too mostly elude her. Even Frank's life looks glamorous from her perspective. Sounds like Helen needs to get her groove back.

Quote #5

"Every time I read about somebody like him I get a feeling inside I have to fight to keep from crying. He was born good, which is a talent if you have it." (2.1.17)

Frank looks up to St. Francis, but he has a mistaken notion about the saint. Francis wasn't born good. Quite the opposite. He turned his life around.

Quote #6

"What good is it to sit so many nights alone upstairs? Who gets rich from reading? What's the matter with you?" (5.2.36)

Ida doesn't want her daughter to suffer their same fate, and she fears that Helen's love of reading is keeping her away from suitors who could lift her out of poverty. Gee, thanks Mom.