The Assistant Disappointment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: The book doesn't have numbered or titled chapters, but it is broken up into sections with sub-sections under these. We'll call this Chapter:Section:Paragraph.

Quote #7

"Some people want their children to read more. I want you to read less." "That won't get me married any faster." (5.2.77-78)

Ida doesn't seem to have much hope in college for Helen. She believes the path to wealth lies in having a wealthy husband. Hmmm…Does she regret marrying Morris? Probably.

Quote #8

Utterly lonely, she regretted the spring-like loveliness of the night; it had gone, in her hands, to waste. She was tired of anticipation, of waiting for nothing. (6.7.18)

In a way, the Bobers are out of time. They don't see a future for themselves, they regret the past that is now gone, and they feel each present moment slips by, wasted. Time has given them nothing and promises them nothing.

Quote #9

Undressing for a shower—her third in hours—she burst into tears at the sight of her body. Every man she drew to her dirtied her. (7.3.2)

Notice the self-blame here. Helen believes she has dirtied herself by drawing men to her. She's deeply disappointed in herself, in the choices she's made, and now at the sight of herself.