The Assistant Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: The book doesn't have numbered or titled chapters, but it is broken up into sections with sub-sections under these. We'll call this Chapter:Section:Paragraph.

Quote #4

"Marry somebody who can give you a better life, a nice professional boy with a college education. Don't mix up now with a stranger. Helen, I know what I'm talking. Believe me, I know." (6.4.27)

Ida regrets (somewhat) marrying Morris. She never tells him this, and she doesn't spell it out for Helen, but you can hear the regret in her pleas to her daughter. She's basically saying, "Don't make the same mistake I made!"

Quote #5

"Go ask her. What happened with Nat? She's like you, she don't tell me anything." (8.1.28)

As close as the Bobers are, there's distance between them, doors they keep closed to one another.

Quote #6

[H]is overdue confession wouldn't be complete or satisfying so long as he kept hidden what he had done to his daughter. About that he knew he could never open his mouth… (8.2.2)

Obviously Morris wouldn't tolerate Frank if he knew he raped his daughter. Why do you think Helen keeps this fact from her parents?