The Assistant Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: The book doesn't have numbered or titled chapters, but it is broken up into sections with sub-sections under these. We'll call this Chapter:Section:Paragraph.

Quote #7

Morris retreated into the kitchen. Ida looked at him as if he had committed murder but did not speak. (8.4.8)

Morris is being Morris: honest to a fault and unwilling to cheat. We get the impression that Ida doesn't like this about him. If he were otherwise, they'd arguably be better off.

Quote #8

He thought of his life with sadness. For his family, he had not provided, the poor man's disgrace. Ida was asleep at his side. He wanted to awaken her and apologize. He thought of Helen. It would be terrible if she became an old maid. He moaned a little, thinking of Frank. His mood was of regret. I gave away my life for nothing. It was the thunderous truth. (9.4.9)

What do you say to that?

Quote #9

Ida was still asleep in the half-empty bed that had for a lifetime served two. (10.2.5)

Morris has gone, but his home still remembers him. His absence is felt in the incompleteness of the place.