The Assistant Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: The book doesn't have numbered or titled chapters, but it is broken up into sections with sub-sections under these. We'll call this Chapter:Section:Paragraph.

Quote #4

Frank felt troubled about the raise because he was earning something for his labor that Ida knew nothing of, for business was a little better than she thought. (3.3.5)

Leave it to Frank. He'll steal from you, but then feel bad about it. The raise he gets serves as a punishment.

Quote #5

One night he felt very bad about all the wrong he was doing and vowed to set himself straight. If I could do one right thing, he thought, maybe that would start me off. (3.4.1)

Frank is constantly looking for new beginnings, clean slates on which to chart his life anew. When he wrongs others, he pleads for forgiveness so he can start fresh.

Quote #6

Let him sell, thought Morris. He thought, let him die, then severely struck his chest. (4.2.1)

Morris beats himself up over his faults and failings, and does so immediately…much like Frank. Maybe these two aren't so different after all.