The Assistant Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: The book doesn't have numbered or titled chapters, but it is broken up into sections with sub-sections under these. We'll call this Chapter:Section:Paragraph.

Quote #10

His staying power mystified and frightened her, because she felt in herself, since the death of Ward Minogue, a waning of outrage. Although she detested the memory of her experience in the park, lately it had come back to her how she had desired that night to give herself to Frank, and might have it Ward hadn't touched her. She had wanted him. If there had been no Ward Minogue, there would have been no assault. If he had made his starved leap in bed she would have returned the passion. She had hated him, she thought, to divert hatred from herself. (10.5.4)

Helen's self-blame may be the most upsetting to readers. Frank has sexually assaulted her and yet remains in her life, despite her desire for him to be far away. Here, in her mind, she's minimizing Frank's offense against her, thinking of him as having been starved and overcome with passion, as if he were a victim. Puh-lease.