The BFG Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

“What’s the matter?” Sophie whispered in her under-the-breath voice. “I is in a bit of a puddle,” he said. “You’re doing marvelously,” Sophie whispered. (17.26-28)

Sophie’s first instinct when the BFG gets nervous is to encourage him. She wants to keep going, yes, but she also wants him to feel good about himself.

Quote #5

“I is going off to wait in the garden,” the BFG whispered. “When you is wanting me, just call out my name and I is coming very quick.”
“Will you hear me?” Sophie whispered.
“You is forgetting these,” the BFG whispered, smiling and pointing to his great ears.
“Goodbye,” Sophie whispered.
Suddenly, unexpectedly, the BFG leaned forward and kissed her gently on the cheek. (18.48-52)

The BFG hasn’t called Sophie a friend yet, or shown much affection. He’s been kind, but this is the moment where we see how much she means to him.

Quote #6

“He is a good giant, Your Majesty,” Sophie said. “You need not be frightened of him.” “I’m delighted to hear it,” said the Queen, still smiling. “He is my best friend, Your Majesty.” (19.92-94)

Here’s another milestone. Sophie not only refers to the BFG as her friend: he’s her BFF BFG.