The BFG Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

A shower of glass fell upon the poor BFG. “Gunghummers and bogswinkles!” he cried. “What was that?” “It was Louis the Fifteenth,” the Queen said, looking slightly put out. “He’s never been to a house before,” Sophie said. (20.28-30)

See how Sophie rushes to defend the BFG? She doesn’t want the Queen to think that he’s careless, so she tries to explain his behavior. He can’t be blamed if he just plain doesn’t know household etiquette, right?

Quote #8

The BFG looked down from his lofty perch and said, this time to the Head of the Air Force, “You is having bellypoppers, is you not?”
“Is he being rude?” the Head of the Air Force said.
“He means helicopters,” Sophie told him. (21.27-19)

What’s better than a friend? A translator. Without Sophie’s help interpreting, the Heads of the Army and Air Force would never understand the plan for capturing the other giants.

Quote #9

“Well done you!” Sophie cried. “Well done you!” said the BFG, smiling down at the little girl. “You is saving all of our lives!” (21.131-132)

The BFG and Sophie have worked together to take down the Fleshlumpeater, and neither one is trying to take all the credit. They’re simply proud of each other. Not to mention relieved not to be a snack right about now.