The Ear, the Eye, the Arm Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

He allowed himself to be pulled behind a wall, while the owner followed with a hangdog look. Rita and Kuda danced along with the Blue Monkey. They found themselves in a dimly lit area like the place Rita encountered the rat. "Wait. Why can't we talk about this outside?" (4.106)

Come into my web, said the spider to the fly. It only takes a quick word from the Blue Monkey to dupe Tendai, Rita, and Kuda. (We'll give the little guy a pass since he's a baby.) Easily susceptible, Tendai starts out a little naïve. He doesn't think about the consequences of decisions before acting.

Quote #5

"You don't understand! These aren't just any children. The Masks would fall all over themselves to get them. Besides"—Father looked embarrassed—"they've never been on a bus." (5.8)

Gulp. As General Matsika explains that his children are, um, incredibly sheltered to police chief, he's a little embarrassed. In some ways, he should be. His kids have never even been on a bus, because they never go into the outside world. Looks like Tendai has a lot of growing up to do—and fast.

Quote #6

They all sat on low stools, and they were all older than he. Some were ancient. They waited to be greeted. Tendai suddenly felt he was in over his head. What did you say to elders three hundred years ago? Their rules of etiquette were strict and inflexible. That much he remembered. (16.14)

Over at Resthaven, Tendai realizes just how much he has to learn. He might be able to fake it in the real world, but here in an ancient village? Nope. There are customs and traditions to follow. Tendai gets hit with a ton of bricks with the idea that he really needs to grow up and be more mature.