How It All Goes Down
Part IV: New York City
- Lori's friend meets Jeannette at the bus station and escorts her to the German restaurant where Lori is a waitress.
- Jeannette gets a job at a burger joint, and she and Lori get an apartment in the Bronx, like Jennifer Lopez.
- Jeannette loves the apartment, mostly because it has a toilet.
- To finish school, Jeannette enrolls in a public school that offers internships.
- The internships lead to a job at a small paper called The Phoenix.
- Worried about Brian, the sisters bring their brother to New York, too.
- Even though Jeannette isn't planning on going to college, she eventually decides to go to Barnard, Columbia University's sister school. (Columbia only took men at this time.)
- Life rolls on, and eventually the Wallses move their youngest sister, Maureen, to New York. Now all the Walls kids are free of their parents.