How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
"These were the world's first people. Everything they did, every action and decision, was entirely new, without precedent." (4.32)
The Golem wonders if Adam and Eve are real because everything seems so simple. This is the Rabbi's explanation of the simplicity, and in making this point, we can see the Golem and the Jinni as analogous to Eve and Adam. They too are young, unique creatures, and their actions are without precedent.
Quote #2
"Where is it written that a man must turn his back on his faith to do good in the world?" (6.50)
The Rabbi isn't able to look at Michael's good deeds without seeing the fact that Michael turned his back on his religion. Shouldn't he appreciate all the charitable deeds Michael does, and forgive him?
Quote #3
"I look at what we call faith, and all I see is superstition and subjugation. All religions. Not just Judaism." (6.56)
We wish that Michael and Chava had time to talk about faith (or lack of it) during the short marriage later in the book, because they would find a lot in common in that area.