How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"And this is what angels look like?" "I supposed," she said. "Or perhaps, this is one way of picturing them. It all depends on what you believe." (7.58)
The Jinni finds it fascinating how humans sculpt creatures they've never seen. How do they know what angels look like?
Quote #5
Did [the Golem] also have a soul? (10.107)
This is an interesting question even from a non-religious standpoint. Is the Golem human? Does she have a consciousness? What does any of this stuff even really mean? Does it matter?
Quote #6
Do you think [the water goddess] really exists? Fadwa had asked her father. And he had smiled, and said, When so many others believe in her, who am I to say otherwise? (11.59)
It's interesting that Fadwa's pops is so cryptic about this particular religious belief, when he denies ever seeing the Jinni to her… and he saw the Jinni. We doubt he's ever seen the water goddess.