How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
His music had been taken from him, siphoned off by Barry Claimes's greed. (6.72)
Can art and culture really be taken away from someone, or are they an internal thing? Ultimately, Ethan refuses to believe this is true for Jonah.
Quote #5
They sat up in their beds to the opening strains of Haydn's Surprise Symphony, which the Wunderlichs still […] blasted across all of Sprit-in-the-Woods. (8.180)
Nothing says we like this art like blasting it through the woods. And since it sounds like the Wunderlichs have been blasting the same piece for eons, this must be a real favorite of theirs.
Quote #6
Folk was over as a scene, and that was tremendously sad for all the people who'd been there […] when an acoustic guitar and a single voice had seemed capable of hastening the end of a war. (9.11)
Food for thought question: Do you think art really has the power to impact politics and society? Why or why not? Think of real world example to support your claim.