How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
Not angry or upset; he just said it matter-of-factly, like he didn't think Mark would even considering disobeying. (24.6)
See, a lack of emotion can mean really bad things for the person on the other end. Things that come with no emotion? No morals, no remorse, no limits. You name it.
Quote #5
This was complete lunacy as far as he was concerned, and there was no way to deal with it rationally. (25.26)
Unfortunately for our main characters, the madness they encounter is so out of control that there's really no way to deal with it besides… killing everyone. You'd hope there'd be some kind of mechanism to control the madness (or at least relieve it a little). But nope; the only way to control someone infected by the Flare is to kill them.