How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
There was a wild energy in the room, like they were a nest of vipers, tensing to strike. (37.15)
Another reason why the madness in The Kill Order is so destructive is that the people infected with the Flare tend to work in groups. There seems to be some odd sense of togetherness that comes along with Crank-dom.
Quote #8
There was a moment when everything seemed absolutely ridiculous, like Mark had fallen into a clown act in a circus, and he almost laughed. (39.4)
Ever felt like something going on is so ridiculous that it's laughable? Mark feels this way about pretty much everything that's happening. It's so maddening, he just wants to laugh (pssst, maybe it's because his brain is starting to get eaten by the virus).
Quote #9
He'd been consumed and out of control, every part of him wanting to destroy that pilot. He'd almost been happy when the man was wedged in the closing door… he had the Flare. (43.3)
Here's a great example of how the Flare affects our buddy Mark; he gets so preoccupied with killing the pilot of the Berg that he goes absolutely bananas trying to torture the guy. When he snaps back into it, this is the moment Mark realizes he's crossed the threshold from sane to insane. He knows he has the Flare; he just needs to fight it.