How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
Mark was horrified. He shouldn't have been—he'd seen more dead people in the last year than a hundred morticians of the past would have seen in a lifetime. But it was shocking all the same. (10.17)
More dead people in one year than a hundred morticians in their lifetimes: think about that. That's a lot of dead people, and yet Mark never gets used to it. Death is something that will always horrify, making Mark and his friends suffer more than you'd think.
Quote #5
Mark thought he'd never seen someone look so incredibly sad. Even after all the end-of-the-world crap they'd been through. (11.2)
When Trina takes a look at Darnell going crazy, she looks like the saddest of all pandas. It's one thing for your village to get ambushed, but it's another to see one of your best friends go crazy.
Quote #6
Mark's insides plummeted to some dark place and he felt hollow inside. He'd seen so much of terror and death, but looking at his friend suffering alone… it killed Mark. (11.25)
Then the terror of seeing Darnell suffer hits Mark, causing him to suffer. As you can tell, this whole suffering thing works like a chain reaction.