How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"Your marriage is the business of the family and you will leave that to us." (6.81)
The families approach marriage more like two CEOs merging a business than people who want to plan a fun wedding party. It's all about money and power, not about love.
Quote #5
"I am your wedded wife," I said gently. "And I never forgot it, though our lives took us far apart. If we ever have to be married in very truth, William, you will find me a good wife to you." (18.105)
Being a wife is a role that many if not most women have to play at this time, whether they want to or not. Mary slips into the role when William returns. She does it so well that she convinces herself that she wants to be his wife. It's not until her second marriage that she realizes what a happy marriage might actually look like.