How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
We met almost as strangers and he courted me. It was the oddest, simplest, and sweetest thing that an estranged husband has ever done for an errant wife. (20.4)
Mary actually learns to enjoy being a wife with William. It's good training for her marriage to the second William, William Stafford, who is romantic with her and allows her to have her independence.
Quote #8
"He is a married man. He cannot promise anything to another woman. His word is my word. He is married to me." (24.34)
The queen believes in the sanctity of marriage. It's not a stretch, really, given the fact that divorce as a concept doesn't exist…until Henry invents it.
Quote #9
"Clearly love does not go with marriage, marriage is quite another thing."
"My marriage has music," Anne said. (42.22)
One of the men of the court says what we've realized all along. Anne wants to be contrary and act like she's in a loving relationship. Fake it 'til you make it, we guess. But if Anne's marriage has music, it's probably a funeral dirge.