How It All Goes Down
- Uh, "No," says Thomas, regarding Jorge's request to kill Minho (28.1).
- Jorge's pretty adamant about killing Minho, but Thomas talks him out of it. After all, Minho's the best fighter out of all of them, so they might need him.
- Jorge also seems like a pretty smart guy. He guesses that Group B might be Group A's competitors, so the more kids who make it to the safe haven, the better shot he'll have of getting the cure.
- But instead of making an alliance between the boys and his little army, Jorge decides that he'll accompany the kids with one girl named Brenda—because Brenda's a genius.
- Apparently, stealth will work better than strength. Plus, the other Cranks are all starting to go crazy, anyway.
- Oh, and the fewer Cranks there are, the better chance Jorge will have of getting the cure. This guy is only really thinking of himself, but he's pretty smart.
- Thomas and Jorge finally go back to their respective groups, and Jorge tells everyone that he and "bird-face" have struck a deal.
- Jorge is totally the Minho of the Cranks. They're what we call "FOILS."
- Anyway, Jorge tells everyone that they need to feed the boys, but there's one other thing: they're going to chop off a finger off of each of Minho's hands.
- Ah, each chapter always ends on such a cliffhanger.