Three Times Lucky Chapter 20 Summary

A Suitcase Full of Cash

  • The next morning, Mo comes to breakfast and announces that she wants to tell Detective Starr about the suitcase full of cash rumor.
  • Detective Starr shows up at that moment (good timing, right?) and they tell him about the rumor. He also tells them that they're searching all of Slate's old hangouts in Winston-Salem.
  • He asks for more information about the Colonel, so Mo opens the scrapbook to show him what the Colonel wrote about the day that he came to Tupelo Landing and how he found Mo.
  • When he asks if there's any of that money left, Mo tells him about the dollar bill over the café's kitchen door. He says that he'll go get it and run the serial number to see if it's connected to any of Slate's bank robberies.
  • The phone rings and Dale goes to pick it up. When he returns, he says that it was Slate and that he's already hung up. What?