Three Times Lucky Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I tried not to sound impressed. "You stole Mr. Jesse's boat?"

He studied his fingernails. "I wouldn't say stole," he said. "But I did borrow it pretty strong." (1.39-40)

Mo is usually the one getting into trouble in their little friend duo, so she's actually impressed when Dale admits to stealing Mr. Jesse's boat. It's not the right thing to do, but it sure is fun.

Quote #2

The café gasped and I gave Dale a sharp kick in the shin. "I mean, it's Dale," he said, his eyes filling with tears. Dale's family is like that. Let the Law come within twenty yards of them, and every male over the age of six—uncles, brother, father, cousins—starts lying his fool head off. (2.30)

What is it with Dale and his family? They all start lying as soon as they're around law enforcement, and Dale is no exception. If he's not careful, Detective Starr is going to become suspicious of what he says.

Quote #3

"A couple years ago, maybe."

Dale's face reflected my shock. The Colonel never lies. My shock went molten in a heartbeat. "You can stop picking on the Colonel," I shouted, stepping on the Pepsi crate for extra height. (2.104-105)

Uh-oh, this isn't good. Now two people Mo loves (Dale and the Colonel) are lying through their teeth to Detective Starr. Why won't they just step up and tell him the honest truth? What are they so afraid of?