Three Times Lucky Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"We are safe, but there is a killer among us. We must prepare to defend ourselves if necessary. And the best defense is what, Soldier?"

"A good offense," I said. "You've told me a million times." (6.15-16)

No wonder Mo is so tough and doesn't give up in the face of danger—she's been trained by the Colonel, who reminds her that the best defense is a good offense. That's useful when it comes to dealing with escaped murderers.

Quote #2

"Technically, this isn't inside my jurisdiction, but your mayor's asked me to investigate and I've agreed," he said. "Besides, I have a hunch this may tie in with the murder I'm investigating in Winston-Salem. Does anyone have a problem with that?" (6.90)

Detective Starr isn't about to give up on this investigation or Tupelo Landing, even if he hasn't received the warmest of welcomes. He's going to investigate here until he figures out who killed Mr. Jesse.

Quote #3

I took a deep breath. "Calm down. We'll both think." He settled into my rocking chair, the one Miss Lana used to rock me to sleep in when I was a baby. "We'll do like in science with Miss Retzyl," I told him.

"Science," he moaned. "I'm sunk."

"Remember what she told us. Define the problem, then solve it." (7.64-66)

Dale is just about ready to give up on his life because he thinks he'll get pinned for Mr. Jesse's murder, but Mo won't give into despair yet. She still has to go through the scientific method to see what the best course of action would be.