Three Times Lucky Theme of Friendship

When Three Times Lucky begins, Mo is sneaking into Dale's house at 6:00AM to wake him up—and he doesn't find this weird. That's the kind of best friendship that Mo and Dale have, the kind where they'll do anything for each other with no questions asked. Even when Dale gets into deep trouble for stealing Mr. Jesse's boat right before he dies (yikes), Mo stands by him, even enlisting a lawyer-in-training to help with his case. She's a true blue friend, and he's a true blue friend, and together they make a heckofa team.

Questions About Friendship

  1. Do Mo and Dale ever fight? Why or why not? What does this tell you about their friendship? How about them as individuals?
  2. Mo doesn't know her birth mom and Dale has a terrible dad, so how much does their shared experience of bad parents matter in their friendship? Be sure to work with quotes from the text.
  3. Does Mo ever doubt Dale when it comes to the murder? How can you tell? And what do you think of this?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Even when Miss Lana and the Colonel go missing, Mo isn't completely alone because she still has Dale, who will go anywhere with her.

In this book, friendship is just as important as family.