Three Times Lucky Chapter 8 Summary

Miss Lana

  • Miss Lana says that the Colonel left after she came home, and that she doesn't know where he's gone. Then she realizes that Mo and Dale are serious about the face in the window and stands up to check all the locks.
  • She calls a neighbor and then turns to Dale, puzzled as to why he's at their house in the middle of the night. Mo quickly tells her that they're just working on their detective agency.
  • As they talk, Mo realizes that Miss Lana is under the impression that Mr. Jesse murdered someone—maybe the husband of his girlfriend. Mo has to break it to her that Mr. Jesse is the one who's been killed… and that the murderer is still on the loose.
  • Their neighbors come to search the yard but find nothing. After they leave, Mo and Dale tell Miss Lana everything, even about how Dale stole Mr. Jesse's boat and returned it for reward money.
  • She assures them that they don't have to tell Detective Starr anything, and then starts talking about planning a memorial service for Mr. Jesse.
  • Mo goes back to her bedroom and writes to her upstream mother about everything that's happened. Again she asks her mother to come find her.